The creation and management of investment portfolios in a stock market is a major challenge in the financial arena. Indeed, many agents such as individual investors (Jacobs, Müller, & Weber, 2014) and pension funds or life insurance companies (Jablonskien˙e, 2013) seek to efficiently manage their investment portfolios. As the stock market accounts for most of the risky assets, prediction of stock markets is crucial. However, betting on the direction of stock markets is regarded as a high-risk strategy because there are too many external factors affecting it. But, this strategy could significantly influence portfolio returns with only a slight change in proportion of allocation of assets owing to high volatility. Therefore, establishing a strategy for assigning weights to stocks is crucial for portfolio returns in asset management fields. Since years, many investment strategies are offered to adjust and attain the optimal proportions of stocks weight in terms of investment return (Morgan, 2014).
Investment Strategies: Different methods similar goals
Teylor (2020) proposes five common investing strategies that is adopted by and suit to most investors. By taking the time to understand the characteristics of each, investor will be in a better position to choose one that’s right for him/her over the long-term without the need to incur the expense of changing course.
Strategy 1: Value Investing
Strategy 2: Growth Investing
Strategy 3: Momentum Investing
Strategy 4: Dollar-Cost Averaging
Strategy 5: Contrarian Investment Strategy
Strategy 1: Value Investing
Value investors are bargain shoppers. They seek stocks they believe are undervalued. They look for stocks with prices they believe don’t fully reflect the intrinsic value of the security. Value investing is predicated, in part, on the idea that some degree of irrationality exists in the market (Barberis & Shleifer; 2003). This irrationality, in theory, presents opportunities to get a stock at a discounted price and make money from it.
It’s not necessary for value investors to comb through volumes of financial data to find deals. Thousands of value mutual funds give investors the chance to own a basket of stocks thought to be undervalued.  As discussed, investors can change strategies anytime but doing so, especially as a value investor, can be costly. Despite this, many investors give up on the strategy after a few poor-performing years. Wall Street Journal reporter Jason Zweig (2014) explained, “Over the decade ended December 31, value funds specializing in large stocks returned an average of 6.7% annually. But the typical investor in those funds earned just 5.5% annually.” Why did this happen? Because too many investors decided to pull their money out and run. The lesson here is that in order to make value investing work, investor must play the long game. People often cite legendary investor Warren Buffet as the epitome of a value investor. He does his homework, sometimes for years. But when he’s ready, he goes all in and is committed for the long-term (Warren Buffet: The Ultimate Value Investor)
Value Investing Tools
For those who don’t have time to perform exhaustive research, the price-earnings ratio (P/E) has become the primary tool for quickly identifying undervalued or cheap stocks (Penman & Reggiani, 2018). A lower P/E ratio signifies you’re paying less per $1 of current earnings. Value investors seek companies with a low P/E ratio. While using the P/E ratio is a good start, some experts warn this measurement alone is not enough to make the strategy work. Research published in the Financial Analysts Journal (Penman & Reggiani, 2018) determined that “Quantitative investment strategies based on such ratios are not good substitutes for value-investing strategies that use a comprehensive approach in identifying underpriced securities.” The reason, according to their work, is that investors are often lured by low P/E ratio stocks based on temporarily inflated accounting numbers. This results in a “reversion to the mean.” The P/E ratio goes up and the value the investor pursued is gone.
If using the P/E ratio alone is flawed, what should an investor do to find true value stocks? Dimmock, et. al (2016) suggest, “Quantitative approaches to detecting these distortions—such as combining formulaic value with momentum, quality and profitability measures—can help in avoiding these ‘value traps.’”

Fig.1. Rolling 10-Year Total Return Difference: Value vs. Growth  (Source: Dodge & Cox, 2016)

The study by Dodge & Cox (2016) determined that value strategies nearly always outperform growth strategies “over horizons of a decade or more.” The study goes on to explain that value strategies have underperformed growth strategies for a 10-year period in just three periods over the last 90 years. Those periods were the Great Depression (1929-1939/40), the Technology Stock Bubble (1989-1999) and the period 2004-2014/15. The general outperformance of value stocks has been reaffirmed in a variety of studies. For example, Lakonishok, Shliefer, and Vishny (1994) found value stocks outperformed growth stocks throughout the period from April 1968 to April 1990. Moreover, the outperformance of value stocks has also been an international phenomenon. Fama and French (1998) found that value strategies 0utperformed growth strategies on a global basis.
 Strategy 2: Growth Investing
Rather than look for low-cost deals, growth investors want investments that offer strong upside potential when it comes to the future earnings of stocks (Berk & DeMarzio; 2008). It could be said that a growth investor is often looking for the “next big thing.” Growth investing, however, is not a reckless embrace of speculative investing. Rather, it involves evaluating a stock’s current health as well as its potential to grow. A growth investor considers the prospects of the industry in which the stock thrives. For example, if there’s a future for electric vehicles before investing in Tesla. Or, A.I. will become a fixture of everyday living before investing in a technology company. There must be evidence of a widespread and robust appetite for the company's services or products if it’s going to grow. Investors can answer this question by looking at a company's recent history. Simply put: A growth stock should be growing. The company should have a consistent trend of strong earnings and revenue signifying a capacity to deliver on growth expectations.
A drawback to growth investing is a lack of dividends. If a company is in growth mode, it often needs capital to sustain its expansion. This doesn’t leave much (or any) cash left for dividend payments. Moreover, with faster earnings growth comes higher valuations which are, for most investors, a higher risk proposition. Around the world, investors have been favoring stocks with strong expected growth prospects, driving the price of high valuation stocks even higher. In the United States, most notably, in 2015 the “FANG” stocks (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google) gained $450 billion of market cap through the end of the year, a 61% jump, while their combined earnings rose only 21%. Netflix’s stock surged 134% in 2015 and Amazon shot up 118%, while Facebook rose 34% and Google (now Alphabet) increased 45%. At the end of 2015, Netflix was trading at 409 times trailing earnings and Amazon at an even loftier 538 times.
Dodge and Cox (2016) used large-cap U.S. stocks listed in the United States and sorted them into three groups based on their P/B ratios. Analyzing this data, they found that over subsequent five-year periods, the “low P/B” portfolio outperformed the “high P/B” portfolio by an arithmetic average
of 4.48% per year. This five-year performance differential varies over time, as plotted in Fig.2.
Fig.2. Relative valuations and subsequent 5-year returns: Low vs. High P/B portfolios
According to Jacobs, Muller, and Weber (2014) a study from NYU’ Stern School of Business, “While growth investing underperforms value investing, especially over long time periods, it is also true that there are sub-periods, where growth investing dominates.” The challenge, of course, is determining when these “sub-periods” will occur.  Small companies are more likely to be growth prospects, but with growth that is at risk (Asness,, 2015). For example, consider the biotech start-up investing in R&D with little revenue against the mature pharmaceutical company with a product line realizing earnings from past R&D; Microfinance Vs. Banks in Nepal. Several papers, including Kok, Ribando, and Sloan (2017) have documented that the book-to-price premium is absent from large-cap stocks. Is this because large companies are those with lower growth prospects with less risk?
Table 1: Results by Size quintiles, including weights on E/P and B/P for forecasting forward returns
Source: (Penman & Reggiani, 2018):
Fig.3. Mean Equally Weighted Returns between High- and Low B/P Portfolios within Five E/P Portfolios, by Company Size
It depicts the difference between high- and low-B/P portfolio returns within the five E/P groups differentiated by size. Small companies are the smallest 30% by market cap, large companies the highest 30%, and medium companies the rest. For a given E/P, the return spread between high- and low -B/P portfolios is decreasing in company size. The same pattern holds for 10-year subperiods between 1963 and 2015.
Some growth investing style detractors including Penman and Reggiani (2018) warn that “growth at any price” is a dangerous approach. Such a drive gave rise to the tech bubble which vaporized millions of portfolios. “Over the past decade, the average growth stock has returned 159% vs. just 89% for value,” according to Money magazine’s Investor’s Guide 2018. 
Growth Investing Variables: While there is no definitive list of hard metrics to guide a growth strategy, there are a few factors an investor should consider. Research from Merrill Lynch (2019), for example, found that growth stocks outperform during periods of falling interest rates. It's important to keep in mind that at the first sign of a downturn in the economy, growth stocks are often the first to get hit. Growth investors also need to carefully consider the management competency of a business’s executive team. Achieving growth is among the most difficult challenges for a firm. Therefore, a stellar leadership team is required. Investors must watch how the team performs and the means by which it achieves growth. Growth is of little value if it’s achieved with heavy borrowing. At the same time, investors should evaluate the competition. A company may enjoy stellar growth, but if its primary product is easily replicated, the long-term prospects are dim.
 Strategy 3: Momentum Investing
Momentum investors ride the wave. They believe winners keep winning and losers keep losing. They look to buy stocks experiencing an uptrend. Because they believe losers continue to drop, they may choose to short-sell those securities.  Jegadeesh and Titman (1993) were the first one to uncover that the strategy (known as momentum strategy) that buys stocks with high return over the past three to twelve months (Winners) and sells stocks with poor returns over the same time period (Losers) earns profits of around 1% per month over the following year. Jegadeesh and Titman (2001) observed strong momentum returns for strategies with formation and holding period ranging from 3 to 12 months.
Dhankar (2019) think of momentum investors as technical analysts. This means they use a strictly data-driven approach to trading and look for patterns in stock prices to guide their purchasing decisions. Some tend to believe that these investors trade excessively and move in and out of stocks in a herd-like manner. This tendency to invest with the herd by momentum-based investors by buying past winners and selling past losers is of concern, since this behavior could potentially accelerate stock price volatility. In essence, momentum investors act in defiance of the efficient-market hypothesis (EMH). This hypothesis states that asset prices fully reflect all information available to the public. It’s difficult to believe this statement and momentum investors seek to capitalize on undervalued and overvalued equities. 
Critique of Momentum Investment Strategy
Rob Arnott (2019), chairman, and founder of Research Affiliates researched on this strategy and found that “No U.S. mutual fund with ‘momentum’ in its name has, since its inception, outperformed their benchmark net of fees and expenses.” Interestingly, his research also showed that simulated portfolios that put a theoretical momentum investing strategy to work actually “add remarkable value, in most time periods and in most asset classes.” However, when used in a real-world scenario, the results are poor because of trading costs. All of that buying and selling stirs up a lot of brokerage and commission fees. Traders who adhere to a momentum strategy need to be at the switch, and ready to buy and sell at all times. Profits build over months, not years. This is in contrast to simple buy-and-hold strategies that take a set it-and-forget it approach.
Despite some of its shortcomings, momentum investing has its appeal. For example, that “The MSCI World Momentum Index has averaged annual gains of 7.3% over the past two decades, almost twice that of the broader benchmark.” This return probably doesn’t account for trading costs and the time required for execution.
Fig.4. The MSCI World Momentum Index is based on MSCI World, its parent index, which includes large and mid cap stocks across 23 Developed Markets (DM) countries*. It is designed to reflect the performance of an equity momentum strategy by emphasizing stocks with high price momentum, while maintaining reasonably high trading liquidity, investment capacity and moderate index turnover.
Asness, Moskowitz, & Pedersen (2013) illustrated, it may be possible to actively trade a momentum strategy without the need for full-time trading and research. Using U.S. data from the NYSE between 1991-2010, the study found that a simplified momentum strategy outperformed the benchmark even after accounting for transaction costs. The same research found that “the optimal momentum trading frequency ranges from bi-yearly to monthly”—a surprisingly reasonable pace.
Aggressive momentum traders may also use short selling as a way to boost their returns. This technique allows an investor to profit from a drop in an asset’s price. For example, the short seller-believing a security will fall in price- borrows 50 shares totaling $100 and immediately sells those for $100 and then waits for the asset to drop. When it does, they repurchase the 50 shares (so they can be returned to the lender) at, let’s say, $25. Therefore, the short seller gained $75.  The problem with this strategy is that there is an unlimited downside risk. In normal investing, the downside risk is the total value of your investment. If you invest $100, the most you can lose is $100. However, with short selling, your maximum possible loss is limitless. In the scenario above, for example, if the stock doesn’t drop as expected. Instead, it goes up.
 Strategy 4: Dollar-Cost Averaging
Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) is the practice of making regular investments in the market over time, and is not mutually exclusive to the other methods. Rather, it is a means of executing whatever strategy we chose. With DCA, investors may choose to put certain amount (Say $300) in an investment account every month. This disciplined approach becomes particularly powerful when they use automated features. It’s easy to commit to a plan when the process requires almost no oversight. The benefit of the DCA strategy is that it avoids the painful and ill-fated strategy of market timing (Barberis & Shleifer; 2003). Even seasoned investors occasionally feel the temptation to buy when they think prices are low only to discover, to their dismay, they have a longer way to drop. When investments happen in regular increments, the investor captures prices at all levels, from high to low. These periodic investments effectively lower the average per share cost of the purchases. Putting DCA to work means deciding on three parameters; 1) The total sum to be invested, 2) The window of time during which the investments will be made, and 3) The frequency of purchases.
DCA is a wise choice for most investors. It keeps them committed to saving while reducing the level of risk and the effects of volatility. Moreover, a DCA approach is an effective countermeasure to the cognitive bias inherent to humans. Regular, automated investments prevent spontaneous, illogical behavior. But for those in the position to invest a lump sum, DCA may not be the best approach. Vanguard study (2012) finds that,  “On average, an LSI (lump sum investment) approach has outperformed a DCA approach approximately two-thirds of the time, even when results are adjusted for the higher volatility of a stock/bond portfolio versus cash investments.” But most investors are not in a position to make a single, large investment. Therefore, DCA is appropriate for most. The same study concluded, “If the investor is primarily concerned with minimizing downside risk and potential feelings of regret (resulting from LSI immediately before a market downturn), then DCA may be of use.” 
Strategy 5: Contrarian Investment Strategy (CIS)
Long-term contrarian strategy is based on long-term overreaction effect that was first observed by Debondt and Thaler (1985).  It suggests buying of past low-performing stocks and selling past high-performing stocks. DeBondt and Thaler (1985) documented a reversal phenomenon (known as overreaction effect) with the help of US data where long-term past loser stocks outperformed the long-term past winner stocks over a subsequent period of three to five years. They observed the NYSE monthly return data for the period 1926–1982 by focusing on stocks that have experienced either extreme capital gain or losses over the period of last five years. The methodology involved the construction of two portfolios: winner and loser. The results show that on an average the loser portfolio outperformed the market by 19.6% and winner underperformed the market by 5% generating a return differential of 24.6% (known as contrarian profits).
Dreman (1998) opined in favour of contrarian investment strategy, ‘The sure thing almost nobody plays’. Profitability of CIS over the long time horizon is observed in different stock markets by many researchers (for example; Swallow and Fox 1998; Andrikopoulos et al. 2011; Yao 2012, etc.) including Dhankar and Maheshwari (2014) for the Indian stock market. The profitability of long-term overreaction-based strategy poses the significant question on the validity of efficient-market hypothesis (EMH).