My few points: 

1. It is the market where people believe to have highest level of liquidity.

2. The level of trust to the investors (even beyond local boundaries) may get deteriorate as we are in the phase of preparing its access to NRN and foreign investors.

3. Opening of the market doesn’t mean to make or compel investors to go out of their home and get infected. They have their choices not to trade (as like closed now) or trade only by online.

4. It’s a good time to promote full-fledged online transactions in the market.

5. Complete online is feasible and many investors are trading since long. It just needs to have bank account and online access from brokers end. No need to visit broker and bank for payment and receipt.

6. People have their right not to sale in loss and also have their right to buy at lower price, if avail. It’s on their own discretion.

7. There is no constraint that market shouldn’t fall below. Let’s move it naturally, if it falls let it falls, if it rises let it rising. It’s your choice to be involved or not in the trading.

8. It may not be true, at least in this pandemic, market crashes or gets boom always. Let investors feel the irrational behaviors of the mass in pandemic situation.

9. It’s always foolish to try to hold the market long term pressure with short measure, i.e. lockdown.

10. When investors raise voice to open the market, don’t blame them opportunist: assuming they have sold their portfolio earlier and trying to be benefitted from lower price. It’s the market where everybody has equal rights and options to achieve gain. Some may have acted better being wiser. Instead blaming others, try to be a smart investor.

11. History shows that every developed and progressive countries have their first priorities on economic prosperity even more than the health, this is why they are developed. US market among many others is the evidence that always lead to boost investors’ confidence thereby support economic growth.

12.       Stock Market, the most liquid source of investors, should remain open with precautionary measures. It is only the obsessive desire of people to go out of home or brokers’ office for trading and payment purpose. It does not mean our trading system is complete and support full online. We have lots of area to improve and could be developed gradually. 

13.   On Tuesday (12/05/2020) our market opened after a staggering 50 odd days (close to 2 months). Opening stock market with change in circuit breaker rule i.e. utmost 3% fall in an individual script and maximum 2% fall of market index for a day, was dangerous to the market as it had pre-occupied notion that market would go a free fall. In such situation, why do the corporate clients invest in the market? They would rather wait for few days to get the price on their desired level. Market should have been opened in natural settings. The tick size reduction has imposed restriction to the breadth and depth of the stock market. This circuit breaker rule is a kind of slow poison for the market.

14.     Market again closed by 14/05/2020, after two days transactions. The reason to re-close the market only on the ground of eminent negative circuits by the regulatory bodies will turn to be a suicidal one because if we close the market for more time we may not be able to bear the big and sudden correction that we would face in future. Investors and international community may lose faith on the market. People do not stay longer in stopped vehicle. Their resources will flow to the other sectors of the economy.

15.     On this longer closed period, world economy has faced many changes. The major stock markets of the developed and developing economies are getting momentum and seen turning upside. Our market may also have those options to plunge its bottom and take the reversal. Further, there is no sign of quick settlement of this pandemic. The situation is worsening each day. The question is, how long to close the market, then?

16.     Honouring the economic principal and the investors’ welfare, the regulators should open the market and let the rational investment community decide the prices without any fear of market being closed for this long haul ever again.

17.     The good signs of market development were seen to begin in the present condition of online balance transfers. Many of the investors are trying to connect to get enrolled into Connect-IPS. Similarly, more were asking to get tms user password to start online transactions. The decision of market closure ultimately impede this development.